September 18, 2022
Jesus in all the Scriptures – the Creator
Begin lesson with prayer. Ask kids if anyone wants to pray.
You can ask if anyone remembers what the previous lesson was about.
We will continue today with our main topic for this Sunday school year, which is “Jesus in all the Scriptures”. And today we will focus on Jesus as the Creator. We will see that both New and Old Testament (i.e. the Scriptures) reveal Jesus as the Creator God.
Begin by introducing and reading golden verse with the kids. Please think of a way to help them memorize it – it could be by printing it out and handing out to kids or maybe doing some sort of motions (especially for smaller kids). Repeat it with kids several times.
Golden verse:
16 For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. Colossians 1:16
Who is this verse talking about? Make sure they understand that this verse is talking about Jesus.
Ask kids if they remember/know what the very first verse of the Bible is? Read it together:
1 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1
Now put the 2 verses together – if Colossians 1:16 talks about Jesus and Genesis 1:1 talks about God creating everything, then we can make a conclusion that Jesus = Creator God.
You can also make a note (and read) that the gospel of John also begins with talking about Jesus as the one who created everything:
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 He was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.
4 In him was life, and the life was the light of men. John 1:1-4
What did Jesus create? Let kids name some examples of God’s creation. Emphasize the greatness of Jesus as Creator God, his power, his wisdom. He didn’t use anyone’s help. God created everything from scratch, it was His ideas. Maybe you can share pictures of the beauty of God’s creation (you can also show some funny animal or human pictures). You can remind/explain to kids that we can know God’s power and majesty by observing what he created (see Romans 1:19-20). Not only that, but no person can ever say that they haven’t heard about God as an excuse because God uses creation as a general revelation of Himself. All creation exists to glorify Him. Encourage dialogue – ask kids what their favorite creation of God is (planets, mountains, seas, animals, humans, etc.)
19 For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. 20 For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. Romans 1:19-20
God/Jesus can create out of nothing. Can we create anything? We can, using God’s resources. But we can’t create out of nothing. Emphasize the greatness of Jesus and our dependence on Him. Ask kids for examples of things people created and then circle back and emphasize that we always use God’s resources, when we create (use examples of things kids understand – for example, pencil requires wood, wood comes from trees, trees grow on soil and need water and light to grow, and all of those – trees, soil, water and sunlight were created by God; even the hands that make a pencil were created by God; you can think of other examples or ask kids to provide an example). We can’t create out of nothing. However, Jesus can.
Jesus is the source of life itself. None of us have life within ourselves. But Jesus does. He gives life to people. We are completely dependent on him – both for physical and spiritual life. Again, emphasize our complete dependence on Him.
What is God’s most important creation? Is man any different from planets, plants, or animals? Yes, man is the only creature, created in the image of God. Man is not an animal. (can refer to Genesis 1-2).
Now you can focus kids attention on the fact that this almighty creator – Jesus, the one who created everything out of nothing, the one who needs nothing and lacks nothing, became just like us – His creation; Creator became like creature in order to pay for his creatures’ disobedience. He walked through life’s difficulties, just like we do, developed friendships, lost friends; had to obey his parents; worked with his hands, walked with his feet, had to eat, sleep, suffer, and through all of that, unlike us, lived a perfect life so that he could give it away in order to pay for our disobedience and sins.
6 who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7 but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Philippians 2:6-8
Recap that both New and Old Testament (i.e. the whole Bible) reveal Jesus as the Almighty Creator. Creation reveals the beauty, majesty and power of Jesus. As a Creator, he loved his creation so much that he became like us to give his life for us.
Finish lesson with prayer.
September 25, 2022
Jesus in all the Scriptures – the seed of the woman (the promised Savior)
Please pray for kids as you prepare for the lesson this week. Feel free to re-arrange the flow of the lesson if needed.
Begin lesson with prayer. Ask kids if anyone wants to pray.
We will continue today with our main topic for this Sunday school year, which is “Jesus in all the Scriptures”. You can ask if anyone remembers what the previous lesson was about and remind the kids that previous lesson was about Jesus the Creator.
You can also repeat the golden verse from the previous lesson with the kids.
Previous golden verse:
16 For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. Colossians 1:16
And today we will focus on Jesus as the seed (offspring) of the woman or the promised Savior.
You can begin by introducing and reading golden verse with the kids. Please think of a way to help them memorize it – it could be by printing it out and handing out to kids or maybe doing some sort of motions (especially for smaller kids). The verse may be hard to memorize during the lesson but repeat it several times and ask kids to practice at home. Not all will do it but some will.
Golden verse:
Romans 5:17
17 For if, because of one man’s trespass, death reigned through that one man, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ.
What is this verse talking about? We see a contrast of two men: 1 brought death, the other brings life. Who was this first man who brought death? The first man was Adam.
You can either read the story of the fall with the kids or ask the kids if anyone can summarize what happened in the garden of Eden.
Once you finish discussing the fall, please read what God told the serpent in Genesis 3:14-15
14 The Lord God said to the serpent, “Because you have done this, cursed are you above all livestock and above all beasts of the field; on your belly you shall go, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life. 15 I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.”
Help kids understand that God here is promising that a man (offspring of the woman) will come and will bruise the head of the serpent (devil). Meaning the devil’s plans and he himself will be crushed by this man that will come. And if we continue reading the Bible, we will see that Jesus did not fall from the sky as a grown man, he came as a baby (offspring of the woman) to live a perfect life and give it as a sacrifice for our disobedience and our imperfect life and to restore our peace with God. And that is how he bruised the head of the serpent, it was a fatal blow, he did it through perfect obedience to God the Father (what Adam failed to do) and paying the penalty for our disobedience, which was the death on the cross. Jesus is the promised seed (offspring) of the woman, he is the promised Savior. The one who restored us and our standing before God, the one who made peace with God possible for us, descendants of disobedient Adam.
Because man sinned, man had to pay the penalty/price. And the price was known to Adam and Eve because God told them that their disobedience will bring death. So the price for the disobedience was death. And the death of the one and only Son of God on the cross, if we believe.
Why couldn’t animal sacrifices be sufficient to cover our sins? Because man is the only creature, created in the image of God. Man is not an animal (can refer to Genesis 1-2). And therefore, man’s value is far greater than any animal. That’s why only man could pay the price. But Jesus was just one man, how can he pay for the sins of many? Because even though Jesus came as a man, he is and always was God in his divine nature. Therefore, his life is eternally more valuable than anything and everything in this world. That’s why he could pay the price for all the sins of his people through his death. Why did he not stay dead? Because he was holy, perfect, and death could not hold him. He himself never sinned.
You can conclude by repeating again that Jesus fulfilled God’s promise of the Savior, the one who crushed the serpent’s head. Sin has no dominion over those who believe in Jesus.
Extra: You can also refer to previous lesson and remind kids Now you can focus kids that the almighty creator – Jesus, the one who created everything out of nothing, the one who needs nothing and lacks nothing, became just like us – His creation; Creator became like creature in order to pay for his creatures’ disobedience. He walked through life’s difficulties, just like we do, developed friendships, lost friends; had to obey his parents; worked with his hands, walked with his feet, had to eat, sleep, suffer, and through all of that, unlike us, lived a perfect life so that he could give it away in order to pay for our disobedience and sins.
6 who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7 but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Philippians 2:6-8

Итак, если вы в неправедном богатстве не были верны, кто поверит вам истинное? Лк 16:10-11. В нашей жизни, мы часто восхищаемся подвигами героев. Но чтобы совершить что-то большое, необходимо научиться быть верными в малом, незаметном, в ежедневном хождении пред Господом. Если мы не преуспеваем в ежедневной молитве, не постоянны в изучении Слова, не ревнуем о служении в Церкви, пропускаем служения или просто опаздываем, то мы не сможем сделать большое дело, Бог не поручит нам, а если и проговорит, мы просто не услышим Его. Дорогой друг, стремись быть верным в малом, даже в том, что кажется не духовным, а просто земными заботами. Дисциплинируя себя, мы можем много приобрести.

проповедовать лето Господне благоприятное». Лк 4:18-19. К кому послан Иисус? В этом отрывке мы видим, что Он пришёл к нищем, сокрушенным, пленным, слепым, измученным. Он пришёл к тем, кто в Нем нуждается. Человеческая гордость толкает нас к тому, чтоб выглядеть солидно, мы самодостаточны, не нуждаемся ни в чем. И только иногда, и не все, когда мы одни понимаем свою слабость и нужду в Творце и Господе. Это я о христианах, не о мире. Кто мы без Иисуса? Ничтожества обреченное на вечное мучение. Кто мы в Иисусе? Дети Царя, царство Его не имеет конца. Дорогой друг, нет ничего, что мы бы могли предъявить пред Богом, вся наша праведность, как грязная одежда. Каждый наш вздох, каждое движение и достижение, это Его благодать. А часто присваиваем себе и высоко думаем о себе: Я не таков как эти….! Как важно понять полную зависимость от Господа и принять каждое мгновение жизни, как дар Его, каждый успех, как Его милосердие. Поклонись Ему и прославь Его любовь и щедрость!

будешь служить врагу твоему, которого пошлет на тебя Господь, в голоде, и жажде, и наготе, и во всяком недостатке; он возложит на шею твою железное ярмо, так что измучит тебя. Вт 28: 47-48. Евангелие- это радостная весть. Что может быть лучше, чем понимание того, что дало нам Евангелие, что дал Иисус через смерть и воскресение. Мы обреченные на вечное мучение, получили вечное блаженство и общение с Господом! Но почему так часто мы в печали, в депрессии, плохом настроении. Может чаще надо смотреть на небо, чаще благодарить Иисуса за дар благодати. Бог наказывает Израиль за то, что они не веселились пред Ним. Насколько больше благодати дано нам, чем евреям в то время. Настолько же и радость и веселие, проявления радости через внешние действия, должны быть в нашей жизни. Приобретя что то земное, незначительное, мы веселимся и приглашаем друзей порадоваться с нами. Получив вечную жизнь с Богом, будем же веселиться, чтоб не повергнуться тому же наказанию, которому подверглись евреи.